The Vibration of Detoxification – Detox or Die

Detoxify or Die? Did I get your attention? Almost twenty years ago my Father lent[...]

How the Vibration of Your Thoughts Affect Your Health

Your body is physiologically tied to your thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes. To be healthy, you[...]

The Vibration of Water – What are you putting in your mouth?

Clean water is essential for good health, so ensuring that your water is free of[...]

Unlocking the Power of Silence for Stress Relief

Do you ever feel like the only time you can enjoy some peace and quiet[...]

5 Simple Ways to Raise Your Vibration Naturally

Raise Your Vibration to Improve Your Health Science, medicine, and metaphysics agree that certain frequencies[...]

Vibrational Frequency and Health Connection

Have you ever wondered why it feels like there are times when you attract positive[...]