Raise The Vibration around You
Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life: A Practical Guide for Attaining Better Health, Vitality and Inner Peace, readers are introduced to the connection between higher consciousness, vibrational frequency, and health and well-being—complete with natural approaches and exercises to raise their personal frequency.
Eco-Friendly Living – How to Detox Your Home Naturally
How to Raise the Vibration Around You: Working with the 4 Elements to Create Healthy and Harmonious Living Spaces, teaches readers how to think and live outside themselves—working with the four elements of the planet to create peaceful, harmonious spaces.
Conscious Living and Green Living Tips
This book will change the way you look at your home and work environments and all spaces you occupy as you realize the power you have to change and improve your surroundings naturally, while working with the 4 elements: Air, Light, Water and Earth’s gifts.
Dawn James eloquently shows you
- how to improve air quality
- detox your home naturally
- beneficial and harmful lighting
- how to create negative ions
- working with the sun
- how color changes your home’s vibration
- best crystal to take to work
- the power of essential oils to raise your home’s frequency
- how to work with phases of the moon/moon energy
- raising the frequency of your water
- how to improve water quality in your home
- why buy heirloom seeds
- community garden locations
- using essential oils to improve air quality
- using essential oils for mental and emotional health and healing. Above all, Dawn guides the reader to the ultimate goal—of living and “being” in harmony with all aspects of life and with the planet through conscious thinking and action.
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